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St. Mark's and Immanuel Lutheran Church

St.Marks:N1210 Rich Rd.
Immanuel:W7082 Pearl St.

Watertown, WI  53098


St. Mark's and Immanuel Lutheran Church

 Our Schedule at Immanuel  
and St. Mark's

Welcome to a small country church where everybody knows your name.  We are a conservative, Bible based Lutheran church of the Wisconsin Evangeliccal Lutheran Synod and would love to get to know YOUR name!

Weekly Worship:

Immanuel, Hubbleton (turn S. off of Hwy
     19 on Cty. G, and take your second
     left and you are there 7085 Pearl St.)

St. Mark's, Richwood (on the W. side of
     Richwood on Cty Q, turn S. on Rich
     Rd, 1/4 mi on your L 1210 Rich Rd.)

The first two Sundays of each month
     services to be held jointly,  9am at
     Immanuel, Hubbleton
The second two Sundays of each month
     services to be held jointly, 9am at
     St. Mark's Richwood
When there is a 5th Sunday it will
      alternate (watch calendar)
Holy Communion celebrated on 2nd and
     4th Sundays, on which Pastor Hoff &
     Pastor Hella usually preach.  Guest
     preachers on 1st & 3rd Sundays

NOTE  - "Chapel of the Air" AM 940 WFAW 9:30-10:00  Various WELS pastors of the area record a sermon at LLHS and it is broadcast from Fort Atkinson.

Sept. 15, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship at St. Mark's for Pentecost 17.  Guest
                          preacher will be Pastor Karl Walther.
Sept. 17, Tues. - 1:30pm OWLS Mtg at St. Matthews, Oconomowoc. 
                           Pastor Larry Schlomer will give a "World Mission Update"
Sept. 22, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship at St. Mark's with Holy Communion for
                          Pentecost 18.  Pastor Lance Hoff preaching.
Sept. 29, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship at St. Mark's for Pentecost 19.  Pastor
                          Dale Hella preaching.
Oct. 5, Sat. - 3-8pm Blue Butterfly Annual Banquet & Silent Auction at
                       Lake Country Dockhaus Brewery & Restaurant, 1011
                       Blue Ribbon Cir. N, Oconomowoc.
Oct. 6, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship at Immanuel for Pentecost 20, with Pastor
                       Mark Bartsch our guest preacher.
Oct. 12, Sat. - 8am to 1pm Friends of the Seminary Day.  RSVP by Sept 27
Oct. 13, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship with Holy Communion at Immanuel for
                        Pentecost 21.  Pastor Lance Hoff preaching.
Oct. 14,15 -  Fall Pastor's Conference at Elkhart Lake
Oct. 15, Tues. - 1:30pm OWLS (Organization of WELS Lutheran Seniors)
                          Mtg at St. Mark's, Watertown.  Topic: "Good News of
                          Gospel in East Asia
Oct. 19, Sat. - LWMS (Lutheran Women's Mission Society) Rally at St.
                        Peter's Helenville... featuring African Medical Mission
Oct. 19, Sat. - 7pm LPS (Luther Prep School) Fall Play "Haphazardly
                        Ever After
" (also Sunday at 2:30pm) General Admission.
Oct. 20, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship at St. Mark's for Pentecost 22, with
                         Pastor Reuben Schmitz our guest preacher.
Oct. 27, Sun. - 9am Joint Worship at St. Mark's for Pentecost 23 with Holy
                         Communion.  Pastor Dale Hella preaching.  Out theme for this
                        service will be the Lutheran Reformation.

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